Hello from Hampton!

Here’s a little life update for everyone back home. As (most of) you know i’m in New Hampshire for the summer with Campus Crusade for Christ. I’ve been here for approximately five weeks, and this is the second day in a row the sun has decided to shine and i’ve been able to sit outside without a jacket. It’s really quite wonderful. Anyway, here on project the average week looks something like this:

Sunday: Church at Faith Community and then free time
Monday: Work (i work at Happy Hampton Arcade where i either work at the snack bar doing basic fast food type stuff, work at redemption where i exchange tickets for prizes, or work in the parking lot where i tell people where to park and make sure they get it in between the lines) and then Weekly Meeting (your basic wednesday night church type thing with all 40 something of us).
Tuesday: Discipleship meeting (me and my discipler talk about life and Jesus), servant team meeting (i’m on the Operations Team which basically means we run the place as far as maintenance and everyday living are concerned), and then women’s time.
Wednesday: Work and then community group time which includes hanging out, outreach, and Bible study.
Thursday: Work and then women’s reflection and check processing (as a member of the Ops team i’m also in charge of project finances).
Friday: Work and then free time.
Saturday: Work and outreach.

There few average weeks on project, however, and some of the highlights have been

  • the trip to a really cool lighthouse in Maine where i got attacked by a giant wave, and we shot off fireworks
  • the Envy on the Coast, Anberlin, and Taking Back Sunday concert where all three bands came over to the house afterward, and we made them spaghetti and hung out
  • joy riding in a parking lot and around a huge traffic cirlce in Paul’s and John’s cars
  • all the great games that result from 40 college kids in a house with no tv and only two ethernet cables including: the spinning game (ask me about Christina), throw the ball, kick the ball, the laughing game (whispering makes everything even more hysterical), jump from the stairs to the door mat (talk to JZ about that one), catch the monkey that i flick from a spoon (christina again), triangle throw the ball, throw the ball in a complicated pattern assigned ahead of time, zip bong (Julian is king of this one), the chair game, and the signs game.
  • watching fireworks from the comfort of our front porch while the rest of the town is stuck in traffic
  • seeing fifteen people give thier lives to Christ as direct results of our outreach!!!

So yeah, that’s my life in a nutshell.